Mandatory Public Disclosure

Nischal Roots Play School

Sant Nischal Singh Public School

Principal's Message

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Dr. Mamta Verma


“Education is not merely learning facts but the training of the mind to think” – Albert Einstein
in this dynamic world, where every hour, things keep on changing, it becomes paramount to us to change our system of education which in turn also indicates to change our pedagogy of teaching Teaching of young vibrant minds merely with facts or just content to score good marks will not be justified
As a teacher, one has to set the goals to transform children of today into an enigmatic personality of tomorrow with an ignited mind. This is possible if we equip our students with knowledge, confidence and mental ability to face challenges of life courageously Without clear understanding of learning outcomes, planning is vague. We should be precise as to what we want our students to learn as well as how they can hone their skills. It's time to integrate innovation in pedago gy such as experiential learning, AIL, toy based pedagogy, gamification with ICT integration, alongside fostering the importance of physical fitness, health and well being.

"The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence" - Guru Rabindranath Tagore
We at SNSPS emphasize on technology based K-12 education system, where in student teacher harmony is focused upon. The kids are encouraged to come out of their shells to become self reliant and independent individuals. We envision the all-round development of learner by promoting 21st century learning, literacy and life skills. We encourage value based learning and emphasize constructive rather than rote learning by highlighting the importance of hands on experience and competency based learning.
We as educators, need to join our hands to give a better future to our young generations where they can use their knowledge constructively to make this world a better place to survive. Naturally, for such times, different skill-set is required that would enable an individual to cope up and succeed in facing the challenge in real life leading to holistic progress. Teaching fraternity should get ready to brainstorm on our teaching pedagogies so that young minds can explore their creativity to give something innovative and creative to this world in these circumstances also.

May God bless us in all our endeavours!

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